People are going to disappoint you, but what happens when you wake up one day and realize that you're the disappointment?

"Ring ring, who's calling? That's my baby girl on the phone. She said she need some space, said she wanna leave me alone. But I ain't trippin' cause she said I ain't did her wrong. That's just the way life goes. Let me know big girl don't cry, but please let me explain. Let's sit down, work things out, before you going your way. See I got a lot of thing on my mind and I know you feeling the same. Cause the situation's out of control. I feeling blue, let's work things out. Cause I don't know what to do."
I need some shelter of my own protection, be with myself in centre, clarity, peace, serenity. I hope you know that this has nothing to do with you. But I'm gotta get a move on with my life. That's just the way it has to go. And big girls don't cry.
big girls do cry when their hearts get broken :)
Underbar text.
Kanske skulle tillägga att jag tyckte det var bra skrivet, men sorgligt.
Skickar en styrkekram om de behövs♥
sv: åh tack!
vet faktiskt inte om jag kommer ner i sommar..har inte planerat något än. men om jag gör det så åker jag ned efter storsjöyran. alltså efter den första augusti. saknar du mig eller? ;) <3