She knows better but she can't help it

"You've been livin' this way so long. You don't know the difference. And it's killing me. Cause you can have so much more, I'm the one your looking for. But you close your eyes on me, so you still can't see. Once again you're home alone, tears running from your eyes. Everyday same old things, so you're still feelin' pain. Never had real love before. And it ain't her fault."
She knows better but she can't help it. How do you heal a heart that can't feel? It's broken, and his love is all she knows. All she knows is the pain in the corner of an empty home.
fin bild! :)
så fin
sv; Tack!!! :D
Jättefin text, från vilken låt är det?
vacker bild! :)
Att veta är ju inte att automatiskt göra rätt eller känna som man "borde". Ibland är det väldigt dålig kontakt mellan logik, vetskap och känslor och handlingar.
Ja, House är.. som sagt bra grejer. Sett alla säsonger ett par gånger om=)
Fin bild!